Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Everything today is a formula: sales spiels, fast food, customer service, books, movies, clothing design, dating. The strategy is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Companies go with what works, which assumes that people have similar tastes and needs. It's all about sameness and living inside the box. One size fits all.

Dating is no different. If you have been on many dates, you know that after awhile, the people, dialogue, venues and feelings start to feel the same. Why? Because everyone subscribes to the same pick-up lines, code of behavior and expectations. Look at speed dating. It's about how deep you can go in three minutes. How do you get through it? With a formula of questions designed to narrow your choices.

Even most dating books are essentially the same. They all have formulas for successful meeting, interviewing, screening and "closing the deal". They promote "formula dating" on a broad scale with a wide frame of reference. But what if you are a person who thinks outside the box? You don't enjoy superficial conversations in crowded singles bars with people you are trying to sculpt into your mold of the perfect person. You prefer valor over veneers, character over cellulite and mild manners over machismo.

Ho do you find a custom fit relationship in an "off-the-rack" world? And let's fact it, we are all looking for that perfect fit - that special someone who completes us, who is our soul mate, who is in total rapport with us. The answer is shopping. Yes, you read that correctly. After all, dating is shopping for a relationship, so you need to put as much effort into it as you would for a new car or outfit.

Here's how to fashion a "shopping strategy"...

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